Cosmetic Dental Services

Smile with confidence thanks to Gentle Dental’s selection of cosmetic dentistry procedures, products and treatments.

Teeth whitening | Correct discoloring that has occurred because of external or hereditary factors.

Dentures & partials | Enhance your appearance and self-confidence, and correct any eating or speaking problems caused by missing teeth.

Veneers | Take care of gaps and stains, as well as malformed or crooked teeth with these thin, custom-made shells that cover the front side of teeth.

Inlays & onlays | Inlays and Onlays are larger than fillings but preserve more tooth structure than crowns.

Crowns & bridges | Improve the appearance and chewing function of an existing tooth, or protect a weak tooth from breaking.

Implants | Improve your smile and chewing function with a strong, stable replacement for a troubled, abscessed or damaged tooth.

Bone augmentation | Bone grafting, or adding, can be used to prevent bone loss due to trauma, periodontal disease, tooth extraction or a developmental defect.

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